Fat transfer, also known as lipofilling, corrects the shape of the face and body. Age-related atrophic changes in soft tissues cause wrinkles and creases to form, giving the face an aged and undernourished look. In these circumstances, adipose tissue injections from your own body are a fantastic way to reshape your face and replace lost volume.
Adipose tissue, often known as fat tissue, is a plentiful source of stem cells and contains more of them than other human tissues combined. As a consequence, lipofilling not only restores the lost volume but also significantly improves the tissue’s quality by smoothing out the skin’s texture and color and minimizing scarring. This approach also enhances the location from whence the fat was extracted, in addition to the place where it was injected.
What’s A Fat Transfer?

The process of injecting fat consists of moving fat cells using a needle from one location to another. The abdomen is frequently the chosen place. The provided fat cells stay in their new locations and serve as filler there. The ability of the injected cells to survive determines the outcome of fat injection. If the injected cells perish, the whole filling effect vanishes within a few weeks. Dead fat dissolves, in other words.
For injecting fat, there are many different methods and equipment available. In essence, fats are extracted using specialized injectors for liposuction and transported to an additional injector.
Who’s A Good Fit For Fat Transfer?
The application is manufactured using the patient’s own adipose tissue for the treatment of deep wrinkles and depressions on the face and body. The process of using fat tissue removed from one place and transferring it to another is known as fat injection. Fat injection is most commonly used to smooth out body lines, lessen the severity of age wrinkles on the face, thicken and plump the lips, and give weak features a fuller look.
Soft tissue loss in the face is one of the significant alterations that occurs as we age. This is especially noticeable in the midface and around the eyes. Additionally, the skin thins and the subcutaneous tissue deteriorates. Deepening of Marionette lines, nose-lip lines, and tear troughs. Any patient who is older than middle age and exhibits overall fatigue on his face may have fat injections. Additionally, individuals with a structurally sunken mid-face, a chin tip that is turned back, and a weak chin line can have their facial shapes altered using fat injections.
How Long Does Fat Transfer Take?
Fat transfer or lipofillers is a perfect way to If used too much, fillers begin to look unnatural and the more extensively they are used, the more likely they are to cause side effects or adverse reactions.
Fat injection is an autograft, meaning that your living cells are used to replace lost volume. Therefore, you may inject as much as you need with no risk of side effects or rejection whilst always producing natural-looking, long-lasting results.
Like fillers, fat injections can be performed under local anaesthesia and generally take fewer than 30 minutes to complete. Patients usually prefer light sedation for this process which then takes 45 minutes.
Types Of Fat Transfer
A fat transfer operation is an option if you want to have curvier body contours but are unable to shed weight through exercise and nutrition. For people who desire to alter their body’s fat composition, fat injection is an option. One might undergo a fat transfer operation to have a smaller waist and fuller breasts. Transferring fat is not a way to lose weight. Fat transfer is not used for weight loss because of this. Transferring fat slims the physique and gives it a more balanced appearance.

Body shapes may now be sculpted using a person’s own fat thanks to fat transfer. It is mostly used for face filling, butt enlargement, and breast augmentation. It provides no allergy risk because the user’s own fat is used to apply it.
Traditional fat injections include the bulk injection of fat without any further processing. Since the disintegration rate for this procedure is often high , many fat cells won’t survive the procedure. For addressing severe volume loss, conventional fat injections work well.
In accordance with the thickness of each layer, Dr. Leyla Arvas employs different grades of fat tissue. The majority of the fat effectively injected using this technique will remain on the face because of its significantly higher persistency. Additionally, the use of a Micro Fat Transplantation stops facial changes and excessive edema. Since the cells are more likely to survive in the body, just one treatment often yields satisfactory outcomes.
Fat injections restore volume to the facial regions that have naturally sagged with age, notably the cheeks, high cheekbones, temples, jawline, and chin region. The patient’s thighs, hips, waist, or belly are where the fat is taken from. Patients can choose to remove all of the excess fat in any of these locations using this treatment in conjunction with standard liposuction, or they can choose to remove only the tiny amount of fat required to fill the facial arches.
Fat Transfer To Face
You may add vitality and plumpness to your face using fat transfer. Subdermal cells are reduced as we age, and a stooped facial appearance is noticeable. On the other side, some people have a more hunched-over face. Your face might get naturally plumper or you can get rid of the stooping by using fat injection. Fat transfer can correct sagging cheeks, flat jugal bones, and a flat chin line.
Thanks to fat injection, facial wrinkles and under-eye drooping also appear less severe. Your face will look fuller and your wrinkles will be less noticeable thanks to fat transfer. Fat fill can also be used to thicken thin lips.

Through 3-5 mm incisions, the fat needed for face contouring is removed. This therapy is often applied to body parts with prominent fat deposits, such as the stomach, waist, and hips. After centrifugation and separation procedures, the aspirated fat is transported to the target region. Fat must be delivered sparingly and through narrow cannulas to the appropriate location for a fat transfer to be effective. This ensures that the transplanted fat has touch with the tissues nearby, which it must nourish and oxygenate.
Fat Transfer To Body
Are you prepared to use your own fat to mould your body? With the Lipo Shaping technique, you may eliminate your localized fats and use them to shape your body into a curvier and more beautiful shape. There are no negative effects with Lipo Shaping because your own fat is used in the operation. Patients who desire to undergo body sculpting with fat transfer are treated in two phases. The person’s extra regional fats are removed in the first stage using Vaser liposuction. These fats are then transported to the area where they are required in the second stage. The space that has to be filled and the necessary amount of fat are both crucial at this point. 50cc of fat will be sufficient if the patient merely wants their face contoured. On average, 1 liter of fat is needed for breast and butt enlargement.
Fat Transfer To Breast
The quantity of fat that needs to be removed and transplanted determines how long the repair will take and how much it will cost. General anesthesia is administered during the earliest stages of the surgery.
The regions of the body with an abundance of donor fat cells are harvested. The outer thigh is frequently used because it is free of fibrous adhesions. To remove the fat, the surgeon performs multiple punctures.With the removal of seals, the collected fat is purified of contaminants, blood, fluids, and other substances, and homogenized.
Our medical professionals use injections to implant the produced homogenous fat mixture into the mammary glands. Small amounts of biomaterial are injected to give the breast a lovely contour. The operative field is cleaned with antiseptics and covered with a sterile dressing material in the last step.
Why Should You Get Fat Transfer?
The use of fat injections to shape the body and face produces a very natural-looking outcome. The popularity of fat injections, particularly those that provide natural results in the lips and cheeks, is rising daily. The effects of fat injection might last for years without needing to be fixed. Transferred fat will continue to function normally in its new site since it is a living tissue. Injecting fat not only makes the injection site look plumper, but it also encourages the synthesis of collagen and enhances the condition of the skin there. For this reason, scar treatment with fat injections is quite common.
Your body retains a natural sensation after a fat transfer. You will feel soft and natural after getting a fat injection to enlarge your breasts or butt. While prostheses leave behind a harsh, unnatural feeling, fat transfer leaves behind a soft, natural feeling as your own tissue.
Are Fat Transfer Results Permanent?
Because of modern technology, the results of fat transfer are becoming more permanent every day. The permanence of fat cells was roughly 30% when body contouring using fat transfer was initially developed. Now that the tools have been established, we can achieve permanence up to 60%. Regional fats can be eliminated in liquid form by Vaser Liposuction. Through tiny cannulas, extracted fat is decomposed and administered where it is wanted. With the most recent Vaser Liposuction procedures, we may now achieve permanency in the range of 60% to 80%. The injection site has an impact on how long the results of fat transfer will last. Lips and breasts are two places where fat may linger for a longer period of time while melting down more quickly than moving parts like hips and legs.
Fat Transfer Recovery
The fat transfer technique is carried out while completely unconscious. The tissues nearby are not harmed since tiny cannulas are utilized and fats are extracted with very little pressure. With Vaser Liposuction, the wavy appearance that results from traditional liposuction is not there. In the place where the fat was transplanted, edema is normal. On the third day after the treatment, patients who underwent a fat transfer are invited to a follow-up checkup, and their bandages are taken off. Within ten days, swelling and edema will go away.
Fat Transfer Prices In Turkey
It is unlawful for facilities that have received Ministry of Health accreditation to list pricing on their website. You can contact us by calling our practice on +90 212 234 6427 or via our online counselling service.