If you’ve been dealing with hair loss or pattern baldness, you are aware of how distressing the situation can be. Several unsuccessful therapies also bring on anxiety and frustration. However, a DHI hair transplant can help you achieve your dream of having a head covered with thick, healthy hair.
Modern, noninvasive hair transplantation methods include DHI. It has a rapid turnaround time and speedy recovery. Even though many facilities offer DHI hair transplants, only a tiny number are recognized professionals.
We have made major advancements in the field of hair restoration thanks to our cutting-edge facilities. Additionally, remarkable hair transplant outcomes have been made possible by our distinctive approaches.
What Is DHI Hair Transplant?
DHI hair transplant is a procedure that involves gathering healthy hair follicles using “special pens” and transplanting them to the desired location. This particular pen is a medical device that aids in placing the graft.

This medical equipment is capable of simultaneously grooving and inserting roots. As a result, the treatment takes less time to complete than with other techniques, and this unique equipment and technique increase the success rate of DHI hair transplants.
Only an expert using the “Choi” pen can complete it. Using a Choi pen, grafts are first removed and then transplanted into the desired location. In DHI Hair Transplant, it is typically done concurrently with another hair transplant procedure, making patients feel at ease. In the FUE, this procedure takes two steps to complete, but with the unique pen, it ends in just one step in the DHI. Its main goal is to enhance the appearance and quality of hair transplants.
What Causes Hair Loss?
The most frequent cause of hair loss worldwide is heredity. The term “androgenic alopecia” is used to describe this kind of hair loss. Simply put, it indicates that your inherited genes are causing the size of your hair follicles to decrease. Those follicles will eventually cease growing hair. This shrinkage may begin as early as adolescence. But it often occurs considerably later in life.
Hair growth slows down as we become older. The hair follicles cease to grow hair. Our scalps begin to lose hair as a result. People may lose all or most of their hair as a result of radiation or chemotherapy treatments administered to the back of the head. Within a few weeks after therapy, this hair loss begins.
The amount of hair you lose might noticeably increase. Additionally, stressful circumstances might cause hair loss. These circumstances include being divorced or losing a loved one. Hair damage can result from coloring, perming, or relaxing your hair. Hair loss eventually results from this.
Such an imbalance is frequently brought on by polycystic ovary syndrome. Cysts on a woman’s ovaries may be a result of PCOS. Numerous symptoms are brought on by it, including hair loss. In many cases, scalp inflammation is a result of scalp infections. Small black specks result from this. These dark spots are stray hairs from you. Even bald areas might occur as a result of such diseases.
Who’s A Good Fit For DHI Hair Transplant?
DHI is often an excellent treatment option for persons who are losing their hair. Some patients may have significant hair loss. For the procedure, they could require extra hair transplants, but this isn’t always necessary. It is advised that males, in particular, seek out DHI therapy if they have had hair loss for at least five years. Because DHI Hair Implant uses the best practices for those whose hair loss problem has persisted for a long period. Even if you don’t have a severe case of hair loss, you are not required to get this surgery.
You may certainly attempt being treated, however as was already noted, DHI Hair Transplant works best for those who have been dealing with hair loss for a long time. Before participating in this operation, you must do an extensive investigation. You need to exercise caution if your baldness is the consequence of an illness that damages your brain or a physical accident. You must see your physician before having this procedure, as DHI therapy might result in serious harm. The treatment’s side effects may potentially intensify. The most crucial aspect of DHI therapy is, incidentally, those completely bald persons could not be suitable for the procedure.
Your past use of medications and medical treatments is another element that requires consideration. You must undoubtedly inform your doctor about your medications and their negative effects. There can be an issue with the therapy at some point.
How Does DHI Hair Transplant Work?
A less invasive transplant procedure is the DHI Hair Transplant. However, a sizable medical staff is needed. The surgeon will remove hair follicles from a section of your scalp during DHI. Usually, this comes from the back of your head. The surgeon will next transplant those hairs where you now lack them. The Choi Pen, a pointed tool, is used to remove the follicles. With the help of this sophisticated equipment, the skin’s scalp is protected and only the roots are allowed to escape. New hair will subsequently start to develop from the implanted follicles.
The DHI procedure takes about 8 hours to complete. The length of time can change, though, depending on how many hair follicles were transplanted. A maximum of 2,500 grafts may be applied during one procedure. To fully experience the results of the procedure, it may take one to two years.
Hair follicles, or grafts, are extracted from the region where the live cells that make the hair are situated during DHI hair transplantation. Because the grafts are delicate hair follicles, extreme caution must be used when transferring them from the hairy area to the balding area. The risk of graft damage is decreased when using the DHI approach for hair transplantation since the graft is extracted using a specific instrument and applied directly to the bald spot. This trait allows us to distinguish DHI hair transplantation from the Fut technique. The DHI hair transplantation method reduces the risk of harming delicate hair follicles when doing hair transplantation. A micron-thick needle is used in DHI hair transplantation to remove the grafts and transfer them to the balding region. With this technique, grafts are inserted into the hairless area without making an incision or encountering any suture-related issues. This procedure is used for each hair follicle throughout the DHI hair transplantation process. Therefore, relaxing the patient and our team will lead to a healthier outcome.
Why Should You Choose DHI Hair Transplant?
People who have hair loss may now have access to a variety of choices thanks to advancements in hair transplantation technology. In comparison to other procedures, the DHI hair transplantation technique has a highly favorable position. The grafts are taken immediately and applied to the bald region without any waiting time when using the DHI hair transplantation technique. As a result, there is no longer any air contact with the hair follicles. Additionally, only a few holes are produced, giving patients the opportunity to undergo a practically bloodless procedure. Scars and other issues are not visible when there is an excessive blood flow. Our patients want the procedure to be completely undetectable since they don’t want it to be clear that they had a hair transplant. With the DHI procedure, hair transplantation without scars is achievable. Because there isn’t a lot of blood flowing during this procedure, recovery is similarly quick. You won’t have any concerns following the procedure because the chance of infection is negligible.
The area that may be transplanted increases with DHI hair transplantation since there is no incision, allowing for more hair to be transplanted than with previous techniques. Hair follicles are positioned in the direction of hair development for a realistic appearance. As a consequence, you might get a much more organic outcome. It will be quite challenging for those close to you to comprehend that you have undergone a hair transplant.
DHI Vs. FUE Hair Transplant
Hair follicles are removed from the nape of the neck using micro motors in DHI hair transplantation, similar to how they are in FUE hair implant, however, there are some distinctions.
The fact that DHI Hair Transplant offers hair implants without shaving the hair is one of its primary distinctions. The FUE method of hair transplantation also avoids shaving the hair. The region where the hair follicles are removed is shaved, as opposed to the area where the hair implant is located. In contrast to FUE, DHI Hair Transplant is a lengthier surgical procedure.
After being removed from the donor location, hair follicles are implanted right away in the DHI. Thus, hair follicles don’t hang around outside the body for very long. That implies that they won’t suffer any harm in this scenario. That is what differentiates.
Things To Do After DHI Hair Transplant
Your doctor will advise you to do so following the procedure. Warnings must be heeded. You should consult your doctor if you suffer any kind of pain. He administers some antibiotics or painkillers. You should use two or three raised pillows to sleep on the first and second days. You are more relaxed when sleeping thanks to them.
It’s recommended that you take a break from strenuous physical activity. Gentle exercise is okay, but avoid intense workouts.The most crucial one is abstaining from alcohol. because drinking alcohol is harmful in every way. Your blood flow is negatively impacted by alcohol.
Limit your exposure to sunlight. There could be some issues with it. You can flaunt your success by not running across any issues. By the way, you shouldn’t ever be concerned about hair loss. They go, but new ones will return.
Advantages Of DHI Hair Transplant
When fully recovered, there is less hair loss compared with other hair transplant procedures.
Unlike other methods, doctors don’t have to shave your scalp. As a result, the procedure is very soothing, the incision is large enough to insert the hair follicle, there is no bleeding, and recuperation is quite short. Choi pens just make tiny incisions; there is no true incision procedure involved, preventing texture bleeding.
The survival rate of hair follicles is higher than that of other types of follicles since there is no waiting period between extraction and implantation. Your hair will seem perfectly natural after the treatment is finished. People cannot tell that your hair is artificial.
You can recover faster with the DHI Hair Transplant method than with other methods. You don’t even have any incisions or sutures. In comparison to other hair transplant procedures, this one allows the patient to quickly return to their regular lives.
Once the healing period is finished, you may effortlessly style your hair any way you choose.
Last but not least, DHI Hair Transplant is an excellent treatment for persons who are considering having their hair transplanted. Although it is impossible to conclude that a doctor’s lack of experience is a disadvantage in the DHI process, doctors must be qualified and pay close attention. There are several hair implant methods available worldwide. You could be puzzled by all of those approaches, but you must be certain that the DHI Hair Transplant Technique is the greatest one available.
Possible Risks And Side Effects Of DHI Hair Transplant
The region being treated receives local anesthetic during the process. Although local anesthetic normally has no adverse effects and is safe, certain patients who are nervous or stressed out during the procedure may experience unpleasant consequences.
Infection in the region where the hair is removed or transplanted is potential. Less than 1% of people will get a significant infection; in this instance, you should get in touch with your surgeon.
Within two months after the hair transplant process, shocking hair loss might be observed. This is typical; the whole recuperation process takes three to four months. This does not imply that the success rate of DHI hair transplants has dropped.
People may have to put up with their terrible appearance for a while after the treatment. Try to adjust to this circumstance for a time while keeping in mind that there is surgery. You should bear in mind, nevertheless, that after the healing process is through, you will have a satisfactory appearance to live with.
DHI Hair Transplant Success Rate
Your chance of success with hair transplantation will increase as you get closer to fulfilling the aforementioned requirements. Within a maximum of four months, 10% to 80% of the transplanted hair begins to grow. Therefore, it is accurate to state that DHI hair transplants have a 100% success rate.
To achieve this ratio, doing the operation with a qualified surgeon is crucial. Because if you think about buying it cheaper from a poor company, you might suffer major health effects including hair loss. As a result, the DHI hair transplant success rate is extremely low and will never meet your needs.
DHI Hair Transplant Prices
Hair transplantation is a crucial surgery. Of course, the cost will depend on the center and doctor you select. As with any hair transplant procedure, the price of a DHI hair transplant is also influenced by the patient’s hair follicle extraction rate and the size of the region being transplanted. As a result, it doesn’t have any related costs. The price is impacted by a variety of elements.
Depending on the clinic or hospital where it is done, the DHI hair transplant technique varies. The cost of transplantation is still rather high when compared to other methods, despite the fact that this process does not use the most advanced transplantation technology because of its lengthy duration and hefty labor costs.
Although the patient might believe that they are getting the greatest treatment possible because of these exorbitant charges, far superior methods are now available for much less money. We can warn you, though, if you insist on adopting the DHI technique for hair growth, that it is not an inexpensive one. The naturalness and quality that will be generated, nevertheless, will make the cost well worth it. Prices for DHI hair transplants might change based on the facility. According to the Ministry of Health, it is against the law for facilities to display their pricing information on their websites. Call our polyclinic at +902122414624 to learn more about DHI hair transplant pricing.