Cellulite Treatment ; Undoubtedly, the presence of cellulite is one of the aesthetic issues that many women experience and impairs their psychological well-being. The visual world, which is always expanding, offers several unique solutions to this issue. One of the most popular and successful treatments nowadays is cellulite mesotherapy. With the help of mesotherapy, which breaks down the body’s stored fat, stimulates the body, and boosts collagen synthesis, it is possible to get rid of cellulite and an oily look that resists diet and exercise.

The individual gets rid of the orange peel look that they are unhappy with and obtains the smooth and tight skin appearance they desire after the cellulite mesotherapy sessions, in which effective and precise substances are injected directly into the cellulite area.
What Causes Cellulite?
Although it often affects the hip and leg regions, cellulite is a regional metabolic condition that can appear in the belly and arm regions in certain persons. It happens when fibrous bands that stretch perpendicular to the skin surface join contact with fat cells that gather and expand under the skin for numerous causes. Fibrous bands constrict enlarged fat cells, causing pits and a rough look on the skin’s surface.
Cellulite’s underlying causes include;
- Putting on weight, especially having fat around the hips and legs,
- Having an unbalanced diet, consuming too much salt and sugar, and not drinking enough water
- Sedentary lifestyle, wearing tight clothing that constricts the body and reduces circulation
- hormonal problems, structural issues, rapid fat accumulation throughout pregnancy and puberty, and hereditary factors
Cellulite is mostly brought on by circulatory issues.
Who’s Not Eligible For Cellulite Treatment?
As long as their general health conditions are suitable, cellulite mesotherapy is applied to all women who experience cellulite issues and cannot improve despite regular exercise and dietary changes, but it is not appropriate for pregnant or nursing women, people with diabetes or cancer, people taking blood thinners, or people who have issues with the heart or kidneys.
What’s Mesotherapy?
Mesotherapy is a simple procedure that may be used to rejuvenate, tighten, and thin numerous areas of the body. In addition to these, it is frequently used for weight loss, cellulite, and stretch mark removal, as well as for reducing aging symptoms brought on by collagen depletion. A concoction of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and medications selected for the patient’s needs is progressively injected beneath the skin during the mesotherapy application. It is possible to actively interfere in a person’s discomfort by injecting into the problematic locations. People who have a low pain tolerance and are frightened of feeling pain should apply local anesthetic cream prior to the mesotherapy technique, which increases the body’s synthesis of collagen and elastin, to make sure the operation is comfortable.
Numerous body areas are treated with mesotherapy for a variety of reasons. a few of them
- Regeneration of the skin,
- Enlarging and diminishing,
- In order to reduce weight by accelerating metabolism,
- To make sure that skin that has sagged due to weight reduction recovers,
- Getting rid of stretch marks and cellulite
- Boosting the synthesis of collagen and elastin to reverse the negative effects of aging,
- Getting rid of localized fat deposits in body parts including the arms, legs, thighs, back, jowls, and hips,
- Increasing blood and lymphatic circulation,
Mesotherapy is used for a variety of things, including activating the connective tissue that has degraded.
Cellulite Treatment Smooth Shape
It is a non-surgical procedure that is carried out using suction and laser beams. Subcutaneous fat is removed, skin is made smoother, and muscles are tightened when laser, infrared light, suction, and massage therapies are used in tandem with one another. The impact is noticeable for six to twelve months. When the Smooth shape procedure is used once or twice a year, the person does not have cellulite issues for the rest of their lives.
According to the complexity and nature of the region to be applied, different smooth shape sessions are used. On average, 8 to 12 sessions are anticipated. It can be finished quickly, such as in 8 days without a break, with just 2 sessions each week for 4-6 weeks.
It is a therapy approach in which medications with various functionalities are utilized either together or separately. Most commonly, a combination of lipolytic (fat burner), fibrolytic, anti-swelling, and circulation-supporting skin-correcting medications is employed. In the process carried out under local anesthetic, the skin is rendered sterile, and mesotherapy needles are used to inject the medication combination subcutaneously. Each session lasts roughly 30 to 45 minutes. Ten sessions at least should be completed. It might be extended to 20–25 sessions. It is a non-painful cosmetic procedure. Rashes on the application sites may be seen in some individuals, but they quickly go away.
The skin is tightened and cellulite is removed with mesotherapy. Allergic responses are quite uncommon because anti-allergic medications are taken. Before submitting the application, your doctor will perform the required tests.
What’s Cellulite Mesotherapy?
The blood circulation is controlled and accelerated, the edema in the tissues is eradicated, the lipids are broken down, and the connective tissue is healed as a result of the unique components added to the cocktail substance injected into the subcutaneous tissue during the mesotherapy application. This results in a reduction in the appearance of cellulite.
Cellulite mesotherapy is a type of mesotherapy that reduces the appearance of cellulite by breaking down the locally stored fat through improved circulation and the dispersal of edema in the body. The administration of mesotherapy helps to minimize fat nodules and rebuild damaged connective tissue. As a result, the intended look is tight and smooth.
What’s Involved In Mesotherapy Formula?
The mesotherapy application’s injection materials are chosen based on the patient’s requirements. The mesotherapy formula in general;
- Hormones such as thyroxine and calcitonin, as well as vitamins, minerals, and amino acids
- Hyaluronidase and collagenase enzymes, as well as herbal and homeopathic therapies.
How Many Cellulite Mesotherapy Sessions Be Performed?
The degree of cellulite and lubrication issues a person has determines how many sessions of cellulite mesotherapy are necessary. If we need to give a general estimate, it takes, on average, 10 to 15 sessions to stimulate the circulatory system, control the connective tissue, and remove stored fat. The region where the application will be applied can be numbed with local anesthetic creams prior to the process for persons with extremely sensitive skin and poor pain tolerance, even though there is no pain or agony that the person cannot endure during the procedure.
The frequency of treatment sessions is one of the most crucial elements in determining how well cellulite mesotherapy works. If the intervals and the number of sessions recommended by the experienced cosmetic and plastic surgeons in the area are not followed, it could be challenging to get good outcomes. Again, in order for the results acquired with the mesotherapy process to be durable and to support the process, the individual needs to pay attention to the food and exercise in addition to the session intervals.
Does Cellulite Mesotherapy Make You Lose Weight?
The application of mesotherapy is more of a tightening and thinning technique than a slimming technique. The use of mesotherapy helps to minimize the edema and fat tissues that have built up in the legs as well as the thinning and collagen-induced tightness of the legs.
Is Cellulite Treatment Permanent?
The appearance of cellulite is greatly diminished after the mesotherapy process, which is done for the number of sessions selected for the individual. However, the longevity of the smooth appearance gained varies depending on the patient’s diet following the treatment, their level of physical activity, how often they have massages to stimulate their circulation, how much water they drink, and many other things.
Possible Risks And Side Effects Of Cellulite Treatment
As with all other mesotherapy applications, cellulite mesotherapy is safe if carried out by qualified professionals in a clean environment. Due to injection through tiny needles during the operation, transient bruising and numbness are relatively common. These minor adverse effects, however, also go away entirely on their own in a short period of time.
Things To Consider About Cellulite Treatments
There is no need for a dressing after cellulite mesotherapy because the technique is very quick and painless and no incision is performed. It is simple to carry on with daily life.
Applying cold compresses is crucial to avoiding any post-procedure redness, edema, and bruising in the application region. For a while, eating foods with a lot of protein should be cut back.
It is advised to cut back on coffee, alcohol, and smoking for a time in order to reduce the stress on the body because the pace of cell renewal is unaffected and lipids are broken down by the liver. Make sure the results from sticking to the diet and exercise plan are long-lasting.
Cellulite Treatment Prices
Aesthetic, Plastic, and Reconstructive Surgery Specialists at Quartz Clinic administer cellulite mesotherapy. The Ministry of Health-approved facilities is not permitted to publish pricing on news articles or websites. The cost of cellulite mesotherapy also varies depending on the treatment region, the severity of the cellulite problem, the quantity of fat that has been collected, the number of sessions required, the doctor’s expertise, and the caliber of the clinic. For this reason, our patients may schedule an appointment and obtain more information by calling Quartz Clinic at 0212 241 46 24 if they wish to use mesotherapy to get rid of both their cellulite and stored fat.