
Burn scars are tissue injuries brought on by being exposed to heat, sunlight, electricity, or different chemicals. Following home treatments for small and superficial burns, you can carry on with your normal activities. Aside from that, you should get medical assistance right away if the burn involves a sizable area or deep tissues.
Burn scars can be healed with laser technology much like other scars. By inflicting heat and damage using laser beams directed onto burn scars, the scars are healed to the best of their ability. Even if certain scars remain, they have been given a more attractive and unobtrusive appearance.
Stages Of Burn Scars
A classification known as a “burn rating” describes how severe a burn is. The following is an explanation of burn degrees:
- 1st-degree burn: This mild burn only affects the skin’s surface layer (epidermis). Pain and redness may result from it.
- 2nd-degree burns occur when both the epidermis and the second layer of skin (dermis) are damaged. It may result in swelling and blotchy, red, or white skin. There’s a chance that the pain will turn into blisters. Scarring may result from second-degree burns that are deep.
- 3rd-degree burn: As it is known, there is a layer of fat under the skin. In this kind of burn, the burn’s effects can be felt in the fat layer in addition to the skin. The skin starts to seem leathery. Burns of the third degree might kill nearby nerves, leaving the area numb. It demands emergency medical care.
- 4th-degree burns: These are burns that extend to the bones and joints. It demands emergency medical care.
Who Can Get Burn Scar Treatment?
For the treatment of laser burns, the fractional laser is employed. Heat and fractional laser reshaping of the dermis is used to try and cure scars in the most effective way possible. For this treatment, having burns alone is insufficient. You must be in good enough health to safely use laser beams. To get correct information about this issue, speak with your doctor.
How To Treat Burn Scars?
The scars from third-degree burns cannot be entirely removed using medical techniques. If surgery can be used to lessen the scar in these cases, that is the primary option. Grafts, flaps, and the expander (tissue expansion by balloon) technique can all be utilized for this. It might not always be practical to use these therapy techniques. Some of the elements that could influence the procedure include the location of the burn, the state of the surrounding tissue, including its health or lack thereof, and the expansion.
If surgery is not an option, these scars may be improved using fractional laser therapy, micro-needling, carbon dioxide laser therapy, and erbium laser therapy. By using a fractional laser, swelling scars can be reduced in size, their skin’s level can be raised, their redness can be reduced, and even adult scars can be improved. The laser’s stimulation of the collagen and elastic fibers beneath the skin makes this condition conceivable.
Moreover, the laser is highly effective at softening the grafts and reducing burn-related sequelae. These lasers can be used in combination as well as one at a time on certain scars. The patients should receive at least three sessions of laser burn treatment spaced a month apart.
Surgical Treatments For Burn Scars
When extensive skin injury results in contractures—tight skin and restricted movement—and huge patches of badly injured skin, surgery may be an option for reducing scarring.
The majority of burn scar procedures are done to increase the range of motion, and occasionally this calls for the excision of scar tissue that has developed beneath the skin.
Laser Burn Scar Treatment
Burn scars can be treated with lasers to reduce their redness, smooth them out, and relieve tightness, discomfort, and pain. For the treatment of burn scars, various laser therapies are available. Pulsed dye lasers, fractional lasers (both ablative and non-ablative), CO2 lasers, and Q-switched lasers are the most common. Consult with your healthcare practitioner if laser treatments are something you’re thinking about.
You should take precautions to protect yourself from the sun both before and after laser therapy. It’s also crucial to adhere to the post-laser care guidelines provided by your surgeon or dermatologist.
It’s conceivable that you will require more than one laser treatment, and it could take a few weeks before you start to notice improvements. Redness, swelling, hyperpigmentation (dark skin coloring), itching, and the development of fresh scars are typical side effects of laser treatments. According to the agreement from several studies and clinical trials, laser therapy is safe enough to cure burn scars, and the advantages exceed any possible hazards.
All areas receive laser burn therapy. Yet, not all burns heal completely on the skin. This depends on the burn mark’s distinguishing feature. Every procedure carried out by Flat produces a more aesthetically pleasing result.
Does Laser Therapy Hurt?
Painful procedures can be carried out without local anesthetic. The patient does not experience any pain throughout the operation, though, as all sessions are carried out while the patient is under local anesthetic.
Skin Graft
A tiny piece of skin is removed from an unaffected area of the body (often the buttocks or inner thigh) and utilized to cover the scarred skin during this surgery. Your skin should be more flexible after the procedure, but you can have scarring with uneven skin tone or discoloration.
To make your burn scars smoother and more appealing, dermabrasion entails medically sanding and scraping the top layer of the scars.
How Long Does Burn Scar Treatment Take?
A dressing and a few stitches are used to hold the graft in place once it has been placed on the area that needs covering. During the process, skin is removed from one area of the body and transplanted into another.
In order to reconstruct the area, a free flap operation is frequently used. During the procedure, muscle, skin, or bone are moved from one location of the body (donor site) to the operative site together with the original blood supply.
The skin heals over the next six to eight weeks, and the new, smaller scar starts to flatten and fade to blend in with the surrounding skin. Full recovery may take up to a year.
How Many Sessions Are Performed for Laser Burn Scar Treatment?
The length of this technique varies depending on the severity of the burns and how many burn marks there are. Thus, it is only possible to estimate the number of sessions after one or two sessions. An average problem is seen to take three to five sessions to solve.
What To Expect After Burn Scar Treatments?
Although outcomes and consequences differ, there are a few things you should anticipate following burn scar surgery:
You can anticipate receiving specific care instructions from your surgeon once you return home. You must follow these guidelines exactly if you want to prevent complications after surgery. You should be aware that some of these surgical procedures might be painful, particularly after the anesthesia you might have received wears off. Around the scar, swelling and redness are also typical.
You should discuss all potential risks and side effects with your surgeon before having any surgery because every procedure has a different set of them. In order to allow your body to heal completely and correctly, your surgeon may advise waiting months or even years before having burn scar surgery. Your burn’s size, location, and level of healing will all factor into this.
Burn Scar Treatment Success Rate
The best doctor to see for skin-related issues is a dermatologist who has training in burn scar removal surgery. Less than 1% of patients who undergo burn scar removal surgery get burns or infections. Following treatment, a patient may experience hazards such as bleeding, slow healing, and anesthetic concerns.
It’s crucial that you maintain a healthy sense of perspective because it is quite improbable that your burn scars will totally disappear (except when they are really minor). Having scars after suffering severe burns can be upsetting and undermine your confidence. Consider consulting a psychologist or therapist who can assist you with emotional and psychological healing if you are finding it difficult to accept the changes in your look.
Burn Scar Treatment Prices In Turkey
The prices of laser burn treatment are shaped according to the treatment area and treatment content. For this reason, you can reach our clinic at +90 (212) 241 46 24 for price information and detailed information.